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Chrisdolf Enterprises 2006-2020
Chrisdolf Enterprises Ltd. is an indigenous company was duly registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission under the company and Allied mater in 1990, and later in August 2006 re- registered as Chrisdolf Enterprises Ltd. The company has over 18yrs experience as a project management and manpower contractor.
The company before now does no other business than manpower. To achieve this objective, the company through vigorous resourcing, has in its data bank – contact addresses of candidates who passed through our rigorous selection processes. Contacts are made to these candidates on regular basis to ensure their availability as at when required. The company also places advert on her website as and whenever need arises.
The company presently consists of regular staff plus 65 contract staff that are deployed to work in various professional capacities within the oil and gas industry in Nigeria. The entire contract staff are currently deployed to work in Shell Petroleum in Lagos, Port Harcourt and Warri. The management of the company is vested on the Managing Director, while the overall policy direction is controlled by a board of Directors which includes the Managing Director.
Contacting Industris —
addresses and information on how best to contact us.

Our Experience
( 0 +)
Over 26 years and counting with savvy professionals in the industry.
Our Projects
( 96 +)
More than 96large and small projects are completed. It is an attempt to work with effort and passion
( 107 +)
The team of more than 107 engineers and leading experts are working day and night. Distributed to several work force needs.